Ke|vin / RuDi Blog List

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

pmr or her?

pmr 0nly left 1 week..
my brain still can't f0cus 0n s0me!!
still thinking the happiness with her~~
h0pe she is beside me maybe i can f0cus 0n my study s0 i w0nt think 0ther things..
anywhere i still must try harder c0z she at behind me supporting me..
i need t0 get a g00d result..gambateh..^^

w0w..eventh0ught i kn0w l0ve is unfair..but h0w unfair she als0 my l0ver...s0 i l0ve her m0re than i l0ve myself?XD
i will give what she want..i want pr0tect her..i want make her mine f0rever life..i l0ve y0u 宝贝..muackzz^^

Saturday, September 25, 2010

hehe^^ the 0ne wh0 think t00 much..
at last y0u f0rgive me...^^
n0w i miss the f00d that y0u c00k..if can i want taste n0w..
and pmr is ar0und the c0rner..y0u ask me study hard..
i pr0mise y0u i will get a g00d result..f0r 0ur furture..
i cant wait t0 g0 t0 y0ur h0use..
y0u and i also cant believe that few days im beside y0u..
that few days we have a nice days..h0pe everyday can saw y0u,can sit beside y0u,can acc0mpany y0u..
but next wait 1 m0re year..but i kn0w we can wait..^^

A day that i...

h0w c0me i can d0 like that...
am i dreaming that time 0r what??
h0pe w0nt d0 it again...f0rgive me pls...
need c00l d0wn..relax relax relax..

Monday, September 20, 2010


why t0day s0 super n0 m00d..
think back this 3 years we really waste..
if we dint play play n0w we already 3 years..
yesterday night my h0use n0 current and y0u say '宝贝家没电哦..热死我宝贝咯'dunn0 why after listen this sentences i feel that y0u 0ne day sweeter than 0ne day~~i feel so happy but dunn0 why my mind always scare y0u will leave me..
maybe is my pers0nal pr0blem..
can anyb0dy tell me what can i d0??

bao bei h0pe n0w y0u is huging me like that day which y0u say can y0u d0nt g0?

am i thinking t00 much?


Saturday, September 18, 2010

a feeling that i dunn0 h0w t0 say

every time i meet y0u i g0t a feeling that i d0nt want y0u t0 go h0me 0r i need t0 g0 h0me...maybe i scare dunn0 when i can see y0u..but i kn0w that time we t0gether we have a great time...

and yesterday y0u alm0st d0nt want me t0 g0 h0me...y0u hug me tight even y0u never say anything but i kn0w that y0u d0nt want me t0 g0..but i have pr0mise y0u that i will visit y0u when y0u are free..

i just want t0 say that every pr0mise i really d0 it f0r y0u...i never break y0ur pr0mise and i d0 it 0n time...

i still remember yesterday what we have do in y0ur h0use..
~y0u put 5 chocolate in my m0uth...
~y0u bite my hand c0z y0u say this mark is t0 ask me t0 remember i have a friend name jessie in my life..
~y0u take a c0l0ur hair spray and spray my head..after spray y0u help me t0 wash it..when wash time y0u say y0u are the first b0y that give me wash the hair..and y0u tell me 你很幸福...
~y0u take a b0wl 0f s0up that y0u make y0urself and ask me t0 finish it..y0u say im the sec0nd b0y which taste y0ur f00d..
~y0u also take s0me slices f00d and put in my m0uth..
~when y0u hug me y0u say that 你很好抱哦..
~every single kiss y0u say s0 sweet...funniest thing is y0u still remember that i say y0u 0we me 999 kiss..and yesterday when back time y0u ask me how much i still 0we y0u..i say 970..i just cincai say c0z i d0nt kn0w y0u really want give me 999 kiss...

maybe 0ur l0ve is difficult but i believe this is 0ur true l0ve...
c0z u say in 0ne 0f my friend fb that d0nt c0z a small case and break..
t0day y0ur ph0ne trop int0 water 1st y0u think is the 3G..y0u s0 sad c0z if n0 3G h0w y0u want t0 see me..but i say d0nt worry y0u g0t an0ther ph0ne..but y0u say i d0nt think s0 this ph0ne can call..i call y0u and y0u pick up the ph0ne..y0u saw my face y0u give me a smile face and say luckly g0t this ph0ne..^^

even just a few h0urs im having fun with y0u[ba0 bei]..

Saturday, September 11, 2010

>< full

t0day g0 kucai lama with sister and c0usin sister t0 eat the shabu-shabu~
1 ppl rm31.80~3 ppl =rm95.40..
we eat da0 s0 full..@@
alm0st cant wake..but i l0ve t0 eat at there^^

miss y0u..=[

miss y0u..=[