Ke|vin / RuDi Blog List

Thursday, April 5, 2012

what happen?

is that ending here?
what should i do?
what going on?
everything has change

you or me?
a song that you ask me to dont hear it anymore and today i hear that you listen that song again..
maybe is me think a lot..
maybe thing really change..
bad luck this going around and around for me..
got this problem..that problem...
accident twice is this week..
money going to finish..
everybody tell me ‘xun qi zhi ran'...
facing your family and facing my family..
why i feel like suffering facing them?

the heart like hurting myself..

problem problem..
i dont want my life become worst..
i want have a wonderful life..
i dont want everyday also scare..everyday suffering..
i very difficult to face it..
can i back to my normal life?
no need to scare..

i just hope everything went back normal..pls

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miss y0u..=[

miss y0u..=[