Ke|vin / RuDi Blog List

Thursday, June 3, 2010

what happen this week?

is this the bad week fOr me??

sOmething that i need tO forget and this sunday my grandmOther need tO gO tO hOspital because she have a small OperatiOn....

just nOw my mOm get a call frOm my cOusin and my cOusin say my grandmOther was unconscious....sO my mOm quickly gO tO see her...she unconscious because her blOOd is higher than the nOrmal time...maybe my grandmOther scare tO dO this OperatiOn...this feel is nOrmal cOz I alsO gOt dO OperatiOn befOre...that feel is very scarely..when I enter the dOOr there is a sOund but with nO music..the sOund my mOn say is tO give us relax..but I feel the sOund like im gOing tO pass away mOre than making us tO relax..anyway my lOvely grandmOther dOnt be tO scare because this sunday I will accOmpany yOu tO the hOspital..i will wait yOu Outside the Operation rOOm...

God~i hOpe my grandmOther will get well as sOOn as pOssible..Other thing I dOnt want tO think anymOre..i just want my grandmOther have a healty life..

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miss y0u..=[

miss y0u..=[